Mandatory and optional internships
Students in the Bachelor of Law program are eligible for an internship of up to 3 months. Internships must take place between September 1 and August 31 of each year. For first-year students (L1) of the Licence en droit, LOSI or LOSC, the internship can only take place after the end of the second semester exams. The internship must be documented in the form of an "internship report". Optional internships do not give rise to grades or ECTS credits. It is included in the diploma supplement accompanying the Licence en Droit diploma.
Looking for an internship is a personal process.
Optional internships during university vacation periods last a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 3 months.
However, students who are repeating a year and have completed a full semester may be authorized to take a "gap year". The internship must take place during the student's "free" semester, and must be on a theme related to the current course of study.
Compulsory internship :
- Licence 3 and Master 1: students who have chosen theTU internship option in the second semester.
- Licence professionnelle: reference will be made to the examination regulations for the duration of the examination.
- Master 2 :: reference will be made to the examination regulations for the duration of the compulsory internship.
- Diplôme d'Établissement: according to the decree of December 1, 2014, these training courses can no longer obtain an internship agreement. For further information, please contact the department.
- PhD According to the decree of December 1 , 2014, these training courses can no longer obtain an internship agreement. For further information, please contact the department.
- I.E.J.: 3-month internship, renewable once.
- Césure (gap year): a period of interruption in the university curriculum, during which the student can carry out an internship. It applies to all students from Licence 1 to Master 2(see "CÉSURE").
Internship abroad
1- Obtaining an internship agreement
The procedure for obtaining an internship agreement is the same as for an internship in France. However, you will need to take steps to obtain social security coverage.
To be validated, internship applications must be submitted at least 4 weeks before departure.
It includes:
◊ The internship agreement in triplicate, signed by the educational tutor, the student, the host establishment
◊ A copy of both sides of the student's identity
◊ A civil liability certificate with the compulsory mention "internships" and specific to internships abroad
◊ A certificate of social security rights
◊ A repatriation certificate
◊ A copy of your European Health Insurance Card (internship in Europe) or a copy of your extended health cover or private insurance (internship outside Europe)
2- Preparing to go abroad
Safety tips :
◊ Before your departure, you must register on ARIANE (free registration) in order to register with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
◊ Consult the website of the Ministry ofEurope and Foreign Affairs to find out about the geopolitical situation in your country: note that countries in red and orange zones are off-limits to students.
3- Apply for an internship grant
Applications for funding (grants) for internships abroad are possible for internships of 2 months or more (from date to date). Different types of funding are available: Region / AMI / Erasmus+ / EuroCampus.
To apply for a scholarship, you must have finalized your internship agreement (signed by all parties) at least 4 weeks before departure with the school's Registrar's Office.
To apply for a scholarship, please contact the International Relations Office.
The conditions for taking advantage of this scheme are specified in the section devoted to the Césure scheme.
If the gap-year project involves an internship, the provisions relating to internships continue to apply.
The maximum duration of an internship may not exceed six months during the gap-year and must be carried out during one of the two semesters.
Once the proposed gap year internship has been accepted by the University, and final registration for the gap year has been completed, the student must then draw up the internship agreement.
When the agreement is presented to the Registrar's Office for signature, the student entering the gap year program must also provide a copy of the current academic year's "scol pass".
All internships must be covered by a tripartite agreement in three original copies.
Internship agreements must be signed before the internship begins (no retroactive effect will be authorized).
Gratuity: this is compulsory for more than 308 hours of effective presence of the trainee, based on a minimum of 3.90 euros per hour, or 600.60 euros per month (15% of the Social Security hourly ceiling) for full-time work.
Successive placements of trainees, under different training agreements, in the same position in a host establishment is only possible after the expiry of a waiting period equal to one third of the duration of the previous placement.
The duration of the internship(s) carried out by the same trainee in the same company may not exceed six months per teaching year (i.e. 924h of actual presence).
Special health insurance schemes: please contact School Services directly.
Steps to take
- Entering the internship agreement
Internship agreements are entered on the UM portal (ENT) according to the procedures adopted by the internship management center to which you are attached: "internships-employment" area in the "tools" tab
For information on the procedure to follow and the documents to provide:
>Guide des stages Licences
>Guide des stages Masters - Verification of the agreement by the education department
It is mandatory have your agreement checked by your school department before printing and signing it.
Any changes made during the course of the internship (duration, subject, department, internship supervisor, remuneration, suspension, etc.) must be the subject of an amendment to be entered in the "internships-employment" section. - Have the internship agreement signed
- Internships abroad = at least 1 month before
- Internships in France = at least 15 days before