Legal Languages Department


Co-Directors: Julia ROCHE - Yura JEANJEAN

Secretariat: Brigitte LACHOUA


  • 6000 students.
  •  Some fifteen permanent and part-time teachers.
  •  Reading room, legal language books and documentary resources.
  •  Computerized language laboratory and electronic self-training resources.

The department's teaching staff :

  • English
    Alexander ARENA CANON - Lecteur - Enseignement supérieur
    Souad BASTIDE - PRCE
    Georgia CHAPMAN - Co-Directeur du DE Legal writing skills - Université de CAMBRIDGE
    James HONKE Lecteur - Enseignement supérieur
    Gregory HANSON - Avocat - Chargé de cours
    Magali JULIAN - PRAG - Qualifiée MCF
    Pascal MESANS-CONTI - PRCE - Lawyer
    Julia ROCHE - PRCE
    Fabienne VALANTIN - PRCE
  •  Spanish

Yura JEANJEAN - Senior Lecturer
Rocio OVILLA-BUENO - Lawyer - Lecturer

  •  German

Barbara NOLTE - PRAG


Courses are scheduled over one semester every year, from Licence 1 to Master 2, in a language of your choice. Lectures and conferences are given in a foreign language.


  • English
    Licence 1: Introduction to the State democratic institutions of two common law countries.
    Licence 2: Criminal Law
    Licence 3: Contract Law
    Master: (Specialized courses according to area of specialization)
  • Spanish
    Licence 1: Introducción al derecho y a las instituciones del Estado
    Licence 2: Derecho penal y procedimientos penales
    Licence 3: Derecho de obligaciones
    Master: Specialized courses according to area of specialization
  • German
    Licence 1: Landeskundlicher Überblick: Geografie, Politik und Justiz in Deutschland
    Licence 2: Strafrecht: Terminologie und Fallbeispiele.
    Licence 3: Schuldrecht, Verträge, Z. B. Kaufvertrag, Mietvertrag, Arbeitsvertrag.
    Master 1: Aktuelle Fälle und Vertiefung der juristischen Fachterminologie.
    Master 2: Specialized courses by area of specialization


Students can benefit from the help of tutors in English and Spanish. For further information, please contact the department secretary at the beginning of the year.

Certifications in specialty languages

What is language certification?
Assess your level according to the European framework
To consult our certification levels
Cambridge solutions for higher education


CLES is the Certificat de Compétences en Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Higher Education Language Skills Certificate), designed to assess students' operational communication skills in a foreign or regional language.

To find out about upcoming exam dates, contact Université Paul Valéry Montpellier
Exam center: Université Paul Valéry Montpellier.
Fees - free.


Test of English for International Communication

Next exam date: contact the secretariat


TOLES stands for Test of Legal English Skills.

This is a diploma awarded on completion of an examination that tests the legal English skills of people working in the legal sector but for whom English is not their first language.