School diploma
The diploma is designed to complement generalist training with in-depth legal knowledge of the maritime and coastal sector, and its use.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
Training enabling students to acquire and deepen theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of rural law and agricultural enterprises, with a view to entering or advancing within this professional sector.
Exclusively professional training, led by legal experts specializing in rural law, for a mixed audience of graduating students and professionals from the agricultural sector.
Entry level Bac+4 - Initial training and continuing education
- DU Measuring the effectiveness of environmental law Legal indicators in environmental law
Catherine RIBOT
This project is in line with developments in environmental law at international, European and French level. It is essential to measure this effectiveness using legal indicators specific to environmental law. This project will enable legal professionals, researchers and students, as well as those in charge of public policy, to integrate a new dimension into the production of environmental legal standards. Legal indicators represent a cognitive innovation in the development and improvement of environmental law.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
Know and respect fundamental rights in the workplace (freedom of association, freedom of religion, freedom to pursue a professional activity, privacy, health and safety in the workplace, whistleblower status, etc.).
Understand the place and regime of fundamental rights in business law (business contracts, competition, taxation, banking, finance, insurance, groups, intellectual property, collective procedures, customs law, etc.).
Know the fundamental rights of the lawyer and the principles of a fair trial.
To provide certified and diploma-awarding training for jurists and lawyers in particular.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
This university degree provides an insight into and in-depth legal knowledge of intellectual property law as applied to scientific and technical research (promoting research results through property rights, etc.).
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
Understand the management of industrial property rights in the corporate context (obtaining industrial property rights - exploiting industrial property rights: ownership of rights, exploitation contracts, industrial property rights and competition - defending industrial property rights: acts of infringement, seizure against infringement, infringement action). Deepen knowledge of the subject studied in M1 in terms of the issues at stake in business. Provide certified training leading to a diploma for industrial property attorneys, jurists and lawyers.
Entry level Bac+2 - Initial training and continuing education
Open to students with 5 years' higher education, the course enables students at the end of their studies or professionals to acquire a specialization in a subject that is not taught as part of the general curriculum.
Offering both theoretical and practical courses, taught by both academics and practicing arbitrators, the program enables students to acquire a specialization that can be put to immediate use as soon as they graduate.
Entry level Bac+4 - Initial and continuing training
- DU Droit de la Mode et de l'Industrie du luxe
This course is open to students from L1 (initial and continuing training) and to professionals, and has the following objectives:
- To train students and professionals in the problems of law applied to fashion and the luxury industry.
- To understand the specific rules of fashion law and the luxury industry.
- To understand the relationship between the special and autonomous rules applicable to the field and common law.
Entry level Bac - Initial training and continuing education
Train future in-house lawyers, bank lawyers and business lawyers.
Multi-disciplinary business law training program. Teaching method based on practical case studies.
Multi-disciplinary business law training program. Teaching method based on practical case studies.
Entry level Bac+4 - Initial training
Usage law
The course provides a framework for studying the formation, application and extinction of usages. It determines the circumstances in which subjects of the law may invoke a usage, and identifies the usages applicable in the event of a conflict of usages. It raises awareness of the legal risks involved in misunderstanding usage.
Entry level Bac+1 - Initial training and continuing education
Understand the challenges of information security and cybercrime. Understand the various offences and responsibilities associated with fraudulent use of digital networks and information systems.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
The University Diploma (DU) Data Protection Officer: data security law & management is a multi-disciplinary training program with a legal, managerial, economic and technical dimension.
It enables professionals to acquire the skills needed to manage data security in general, and to perform the role of DPO in particular.
The training program aims to train professionals capable of developing and managing a strategy for securing sensitive corporate data, with greater consideration given to data protection right from the system design stage (privacy by design and privacy by default).
Level M1 - Initial and continuing training
The aim of this course in criminal science is to provide all those who are concerned with the phenomenon of crime, whether for personal or professional reasons, with scientific information on delinquency and the various disciplines that attempt to identify and combat it.
Entry level Bac - Initial training and continuing education
The aim of this course is to provide all those interested in criminal investigation and forensic science with a grounding in forensic science and criminalistics, all the different scientific disciplines that can be mobilized in the search for the truth.
Entry level Bac - Initial training and continuing education
- DU training in legal expertise
Legal expertise, in addition to the professional skills required of any applicant to be included on a list of experts before a court of appeal, requires an introduction to understanding the workings of the legal system in general and legal procedures governing expertise in particular, as well as practical training in carrying out an expertise, from receiving the assignment to submitting the report.
Entry level Bac+5 - Initial and continuing training - DU violence intrafamiliales - approche théorique et pratique
This institutional diploma aims to train future professionals and reinforce the training of professionals from different sectors working with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, by offering cross-disciplinary, theoretical and practical courses, taught by academics and professionals, to optimize the detection and care of victims and perpetrators, encourage reporting and, more generally, strengthen the fight against this type of offence.
Entry level Bac - Initial and continuing training
- DU Ethics
This course aims to offer a varied approach to the different branches of ethics in both the public and private sectors. The growing importance of ethics, and the requirement for local authorities, government departments and major corporations to have a deontologist referent.
This DU will provide students, as well as practicing professionals, with a set of elements and knowledge that they will be able to mobilize either as deontologist-referent, or as simple actors in professional fields requiring a good command of ethics and deontology.
Entry level Bac - Initial training and continuing education
Specialized legal training in Wealth Management Law, enabling you to acquire and deepen your understanding of the legal techniques involved in wealth management. Courses grouped together over three weeks in June.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
The DU is designed to provide students and professionals with the basics of healthcare law, so that they acquire the elements essential to understanding medical law.
Entry level Bac - Initial training and continuing education
Deepen and complete the common base of knowledge constituted by the law of obligations
Strengthen students' ability to sit numerous examinations and competitive exams (Pré-capa, ENM, etc.).
Provide certified and/or diploma training for lawyers in a fundamental subject.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
The main aim of the course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the legal issues raised by sports activities.
Entry level Bac - Initial training and continuing education
The aim is to train students at M1/M2 level in the practice of administrative litigation in order to facilitate their professional integration by promoting a training path focused on a specific objective of administrative law.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
The aim of the DU is to offer teaching covering all the legal issues linked to the involvement of religion in the public and private spheres.
Entry level Bac - Initial training and continuing education
The DU in Theory and Philosophy of Law offers general training designed to enlighten students and legal professionals on the foundations and nature of legal rules.
Entry level Bac+2 - Initial training and continuing education
This course is aimed at the various players involved in companies in difficulty (judicial representatives and administrators, lawyers, judges, in-house counsel), as well as master's students in an economic context and legal developments that are increasing the complexity of the relationship between labor law and the law governing companies in difficulty.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
Advanced training in comparative, international and European labor law. Training future in-house counsel and specialized lawyers.
Entry level Bac+4 - Initial training and continuing education
Train legal specialists in social protection law.
Understand how the different legal mechanisms apply.
Understand the dichotomy between social security law and supplementary social protection law.
Identify the different players in social protection.
Bring yourself up to date with the rules of social protection law.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
- DU Droit et pratique des contentieux du travail
Combining academics, magistrates from the judicial and administrative orders, labor inspectors, practitioners, lawyers, mediators and labor psychologists, this diploma combines theoretical analysis and practical teaching. It enables students to acquire a solid level of knowledge and develop the skills needed to understand labor disputes and anticipate their evolution.
Entry level Bac+3 - Initial training and continuing education
The aim of this course is to enable students to deepen their knowledge of Anglo-Saxon law and improve their legal English language skills, so that they can apply for Master 2 and other positions of responsibility.
Entry level Bac+2 - Initial training and continuing education
The aim of this course is to enable students both to deepen their knowledge of Anglo-Saxon law and to acquire the skills needed to write in legal English. It will enable them to acquire the methodology and tools needed to
Entry level Bac+2 - Initial training and continuing education
PREPA TALENTS "Gendarmerie Officer
The "Gendarmerie Officer" Talents preparatory class enables young scholarship students at Bac+5 level to prepare in the best possible conditions for the various tests in the Gendarmerie officer competitive examination, in order to promote diversity of profiles in the recruitment process. This preparatory class is based on a partnership agreement between the Gendarmerie Nationale and the University of Montpellier, as part of the Collegium Droit, Science Politique et Administration - Jean Moulin - which includes the UFR Droit et Science Politique and the IPAG.
Applications and recruitment for the Talents preparatory course are managed directly by the Gendarmerie nationale: https: //
Successful candidates will be recruited as GAVs and provided with accommodation.
Entry level Bac+5
- Préparation aux concours des métiers du Droit pénal
Mr. Olivier SAUTEL
In partnership with the Direction Zonale au Recrutement et à la Formation de la Police Nationale - Sud
Entry level Bac - Initial training and continuing education
A program of further training and specialization in the field after a Professional Master's degree.
Entry level Bac+5 - Master's degree in business and taxation/DJCE or international trade - Initial training
- Certificate of specialized studies in labor law
A program of further training and specialization in the field after a Professional Master's degree.
Entry level Bac+5 - Master's degree in business and taxation/DJCE or international trade - Initial training
A program of further training and specialization in the field after a Professional Master's degree.
Entry level Bac+5 - Master's degree in business and taxation/DJCE or international trade - Initial training
A program of further training and specialization in the field after a Professional Master's degree.
Entry level Bac+5 - Master's degree in business and taxation/DJCE or international trade - Initial training
- Certificate of Specialized Studies in Domestic and International Corporate Litigation
To enable students graduating from a Master 2 DJCE to perfect their skills in a particular subject before entering the professional world.
Entry level Bac+5 - Master's degree in business and taxation/DJCE or international trade - Initial training
A program of further training and specialization in the field after a Professional Master's degree.
Entry level Bac+5 - Master's degree in business and taxation/DJCE or international trade - Initial training
In-depth instruction in procedural law, to help you prepare for competitive entrance exams to the legal professions.
Entry level Bac+2 - Initial training and continuing education
continuing education
- DU Public purchasing in the healthcare sector
Entry level Bac+3 - Continuing education
This University Diploma is aimed at all professionals, whatever their field of expertise, whose objective is to train in legal expertise, as well as those who are already legal experts and wish to further their training.
Entry level Bac+5 - Continuing education
In today's globalized and uncertain world, the ability to manage a crisis has become essential for any socio-economic structure.
To promote the acquisition of operational skills, the Crisis Management University Diploma has been designed on a model that combines knowledge and know-how, thanks to recognized experts in the field.
Entry level Bac+5 - Continuing education